Foreign Trade Imports / Exports / Customs

  1. Providing Inbound/Outbound logistics support with cost effective manner.
  2. International Freight forwarding for import/export activity.
  3. Desk to Desk logistics support for both domestic and international cargo.
  1. Clearance of imported goods and ware housing (in bonded ware house).
  2. Clearance of cargo from bonded ware house to DTA/100%Eou/SEZ.
  3. Warehouse Management and Suppling goods at the required of production to customers as per supplier’s instruction.
  1. Handling Registration Activities of AEO – T1 & T2.
  2. Renewal of AEO registrations.
  3. AEO Compliance functions.
  4. Handling Audits & Adjudication under AEO regulations.
  1. Handling clearance related customs issues and appearing before customs authorities.
  2. Handling adjudication matters – replying to show cause notices, appearing before adjudicating and appellate authorities.
  1. Obtaining refund on export consignment.
  2. Refund concession under DBK, RoDTEP, RoSCTL, ROSL etc...
  1. BIS compliance under QCO for imported cargo clearance.
  2. Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS).
  3. Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS).
  4. Special Valuation Branch (SVB) compliance for imported cargo from related parties.

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